

KhronosGroupglTF: glTF

glTF-Generator-Registry - An open registry of tools that create glTF assets, along with structured metadata such as links to documentation and bug trackers.

glTF-Generator-Registry - An open registry of tools that create glTF assets, along with structured metadata such as links to documentation and bug trackers.


Binary glTF ( .glb ) using the binary container format. These are easily shared due to the bundling of all the textures and mesh data into a single file.



gltf · GitHub Topics

Filament is a real-time physically based rendering engine for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, macOS, and WebGL2. android webgl real-time opengl metal graphics ...


To store all models and other assets related to glTF - GitHub - KhronosGroup ... This Repository is a curated collection of glTF models that illustrate one or ...

glTF 2.0 Sample Models

Models demonstrating features of the core glTF specification. Some models may include versions with extensions, e.g. copies with or without Draco compression.

glTF 2.0 Specification

The glTF 2.0 Specification. The full specification is available in two forms: Specification as HTML - for viewing in a browser; Specification as PDF - for ...

KhronosGroupglTF-Sample-Viewer: Physically

The gltf sample viewer is integrated into Google's render fidelity tools. This makes it possible to compare different renderers. To run the render fidelity ...


The main glTF Tutorial. A tutorial about Physically Based Rendering (PBR) in glTF. A tutorial for Adding Material Extensions to glTF Models.